Residency Intensives

Summer 2024

June 30th to July 8th – Windhover Center for the Performing Arts

Windhover “Tablao” Residency

This immersive residency will take place from June 30th to July 8th in the rustically beautiful setting of Windhover, Rockport (MA), about an hour north of Boston. It is designed for dancers, guitarists, and singers who want to delve deeper and work together on improvisation and performance in the authentic “tablao” style.

Upcoming residencies

Because sometimes all we need to progress is to spend time together, our residency intensives foster a supportive environment where you can learn, grow, and celebrate your passion alongside like-minded individuals. We’re on a mission to bring our flamenco immersive residencies across North America, and beyond. Get ready for a wave of diverse flamenco experiences coming your way:

Sonoma, CA

Dates to be determined.

Calgary, Canada

Dates to be determined.

Pittsburgh, PA

Dates to be determined.

Near You!

Contact us to explore hosting a flamenco residency, fostering a vibrant gathering for local flamenco enthusiasts.

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