About Us

Unity is Strength

Guillermo Guillén​ of FlamencoMAPS and cultural worker Leslie Roybal have joined forces to create a​ new organization that endeavors to fulfill a collective dream of revolutionizing the way we learn, create and appreciate flamenco.

The Founders

Leslie roybal

Dancer, Teacher, Coach

Leslie Roybal is an accomplished flamenco artist and cultural worker with over 25 years of professional experience as a performer, producer and educator. She has contributed to prestigious companies and productions internationally, while also spearheading innovative programs to support developing artists. Her expertise spans performance, direction, artist development, and coaching, making her a pivotal figure in the global flamenco community.

Guillermo Guillén

Guitarist, Teacher, Coach, Founder of FlamencoMAPS

Guillermo Guillén is a skilled and versatile flamenco guitarist, composer, arranger, and educator. His sensitivity and creativity make him a sought-after collaborator for both live performances and studio work. Guillermo’s range spans from traditional flamenco to experimental projects. Born and raised in France, he trained in Spain and has spent the last 20 years performing and teaching flamenco internationally.


A Partner For United Flamenco

Founded by Guillermo Guillén in 2021, FlamencoMAPS is helping dancers, singers, guitarists and flamenco enthusiasts who are struggling to find the knowledge and practical tools they need to finally put everything together, feel confident, and ultimately reach their full potential and creativity.

FlamencoMAPS offers:

  • Online and in person group classes
  • Online and in person individual coaching for guitarists, singers, dancers, percussionists, musicians and flamenco enthusiasts
  • Free online resources on the FlamencoMAPS Youtube Channel

Board Members

Leslie Roybal Geraldes


Guilhem Denis Tarroux


Theresa Barbadoro Koppanati


Leah Keith


Dennis Covington
